
fix the port selfupdate in Mac OS X 10.8

This is a FAQ in Macport :
If your connection to the rsync server fails you may get blocked by a firewall or other network control software. In the new system of Mac, you can stop the service as the image. This new security feature is called GateKeeper. It will also stop you for install other software.
Disable Gatekeeper blocking unidentified apps in OS X Mountain Lion


App Can't be Opened from Unidentified Developer warning

You can use the same method to install your new software. Also just right click the install files and choose open. There will be a window asking you "Are you sure ?". Just answer YES!

Fix the “App can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer” Error in Mac OS X

Jul 27, 2012 - 33 Comments
Since OS X Mountain Lion, the Mac defaults to preventing applications from unidentified developers or sources from being launched. You’ll discover the message in OS X 10.8 when you try to launch a Mac app that didn’t come from a verified source or from the Mac App Store, and you’ll get an alert dialog that says “[App name] can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”.
App Can't be Opened from Unidentified Developer warning

This new security feature is called GateKeeper, and it doesn’t mean you can’t run those unverified apps on the Mac, you just have to either temporarily skirt the security blanket of GateKeeper, or turn off the app limitations entirely.

Temporarily Get Around “App Can’t Be Opened” Gatekeeper Alert Message

This is probably the best option for most users, since it maintains some security:
  1. Right-click (or control-click) the application in question and choose “Open”
  2. Click the “Open” button at the next dialog warning to launch the app anyway
You can do this with any third party app that gives you this warning dialog and open it anyway.
Temporarily get around the App Cant Be Opened message in Mac OS X
If you get tired of constantly right-clicking apps to open them, return to pre-Mountain Lion levels of app security by turning off Gatekeepers app verification completely.

Disable GateKeeper’s Unidentified App Developer Prevention Completely

This is generally best for advanced users who know what apps to trust and not to trust:
  1. Launch System Preferences from the Apple  menu
  2. Choose “Security & Privacy” and then click the “General” tab, followed by clicking the lock icon in the corner to unlock the settings
  3. Look for “Allow applications downloaded from:” and choose “Anywhere”
  4. Accept the security warning and allow
  5. You can now launch any app from any location or developer





前几次租车的时候都是只买了Liability保险,也就是第三方责任险,是保护你撞别人后对方的赔付的。这个是法律规定的必须买的。但是租车公司一般只会提供基本的法律规定范围之类的保险。如果新手,可以考虑加点前买上supply liability。不过据我所知没人买:(
另外就是令人非常费解的Damage waiver了。一天十几刀,买了心疼,不买不安心,而且都说信用卡上包含了这个保险。到底买不买每次都得掂量掂量。不过最后结果都没买,嘿嘿。但是秉承凡事要确保安全,以防万一的原则,今天特地研究了下:

首先科普一下: 自己的保险(liability)保对方,买保险(或者信用卡的benefit)保租的车

不过American Express也提供额外的保险计划,而且是primary的。只需要登陆网址进行注册就行了,但是每次租车都需要自动从卡上扣除20刀左右的费用哦!或者是买一年的。不过这个20刀是按照一次租车来算的。也就是说如果租车一个星期也是20刀,怎么样?!而且不限制车型,可以租任何类型的,豪华车,SUV之类都可以。另外MasterCard就不太清楚不详细说明了,平时也就加油的时候稍微使用一下。
Auto Rental Collision  Damage Waiver - Personal


        不过请还要注意一个叫Loss of use的东西。也就是说你要赔付租车公司出事后休息车辆这段时间内租车公司无法使用车辆的损失。一般三天甚至更长了。几百刀说多不多,说少,还真不少。如果买了租车公司的保险,那么恭喜你,无论你的车掉悬崖被火烧,一切都cover,是最省心最安全的保险。但是一天十几让人真心手软。visa卡确实包含这个保险,但是实际操作起来却往往不会支付。请看维基上面的提示
"Loss of use" and administration fees are often advertised as covered by 
credit cards. However, these items are not usually paid since rental car 
company must provide proof of loss of use and administration fees. The 
rental agencies are not required to disclose this information therefore the 
credit card companies will not pay these. The end result is the renter of 
the vehicle is stuck with these charges (if agreed to on the rental 







criticism in arxiv

Today,  when I check the new paper from the website arxiv.  There are two group people disagree with each other and both write paper to criticize each other.  The thing is that both of them upload their papers to the website. The results is that every astronomer will see this unhappy thing.

I do not familiar with the void catalogue. But I think this thing should not be necessary and would not happen. What do you think about it ?