
Overview of 4E's Framework

From: http://www.4e-framework.com/overview-of-4es-framework.html

Overview of 4E's Framework


At the end of the programme, participants should be able to:

1.   Appreciate the nuances of 'Effectiveness' 'Efficiency' 'Economy' and 'Empowerment' 

2.     Appreciate the various possible applications of the 4E's framework

3.     Apply the 4E's framework in their thinking process and evaluation of ideas
4.    Realize the potentials and impact that each participant could contribute towards improving his/her organization

5.  Better communicate their ideas and thoughts in improving their organizations to their superior.    


This 1/2-day workshop prepares participants to better appreciate their potential areas of contribution and roles as key stakeholders in growing with their organizations.

DO NOT miss the various exercises and case studies of innovative application and appreciation of  Effectiveness, Efficiency, Economy, and Empowerment; the possible adaptation of standard tools and templates for harnessing the 4Es; 
and techniques of presenting reports to the management.
Through the process, participants would learn to be more mindful of their day-to-day work routines; and place of employment.

